Rep for Dr. Murray’s Attorney: 911 Was Called 30 Mins After Doctor Found Jackson

A representative for Ed Chernoff, the attorney of Dr. Conrad Murray, tells ET that according to Dr. Murray's recollection, 911 was called 30 minutes after Michael Jackson's personal physician found the King of Pop on the day he died.

ET has learned that Dr. Murray went into Jackson's room to check on him and found that Jackson, according to Dr. Murray's attorney Ed Chernoff, "wasn't breathing. [Dr. Murray] checked for a pulse. There was a weak pulse in his femoral artery. He started administering CPR."

The rep tells ET that Dr. Murray initially administered CPR on Jackson while he was still on his bed because he was frail, saying Dr. Murray "administered it with his hand behind his back to provide the necessary support." Chernoff’s rep adds that Jackson was later moved to the ground.

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