Kevin Frazier and Celebs Up at Bat for All-Star Softball Game
ET's Kevin Frazier rounded the bases on Sunday in Anaheim, CA at the Taco Bell All-Star Legends & Celebrity Softball Game. Proudly wearing his flaming red uniform, Kevin was on fire in the starting lineup of the American League team.
After Kevin swung in batting practice, his very sportsmanlike opponent Jon Hamm boosted his morale. "Take it easy. You'll be alright," he coached. "You don't need to hit a ball hard. It's about putting it right in the sweet spot."
One curveball that caused Kevin to quiver at the knees was the prospect of facing Olympic gold medal softball champ Jennie Finch at the plate. National League teammates were banking on her strong arm to intimidate the celebs. Angel in the outfield, Victoria's Secret beauty Marisa Miller, joked, "Jennie Finch is on my team. I feel a little better now."
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