Jasmine Fiore’s Mom on Ryan Jenkins’ Death: It Brings Closure

The mother of slain swimsuit model Jasmine Fiore speaks out the morning after Ryan Jenkins, her daughter's ex-husband and a fugitive suspect in Fiore's murder, was found dead from an apparent suicide.

Fiore's mother, Lisa Lepore, tells the "Today" show host Ann Curry of hearing the news of Jenkins' death, “It’s a mixed reaction. It brings some closure to what’s been going on. ... We don’t have to worry about looking for him anymore, or being worried that he’s a threat to any other women or men. We still have a long process of closure.”

Fiore's former boyfriend,  Robert Hasman, also appeared on the "Today" show and revealed that he was in contact with the swimsuit model via text messaging days before her death. When asked if his contact with Fiore could have pushed Jenkins over the edge, Hasman replies, "I can only assume that that might have been the cause, his motive."

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