Eva Longoria Parker and More Issue Desperate Plea to ‘Raise the Roof for Haiti’

Eva Longoria Parker, Amber Valletta and Maria Bello are issuing a plea for housing assistance in Haiti. Click to find out how you can help.

The celebs wrote a letter Monday that reads,

"With rainy season just two weeks away, more than a million Haitian people are still displaced as a result of the January 12th earthquake and are living in tent cities in shelters made of makeshift tarps and cotton bed sheets. Two nights ago at the Petionville Displacement Camp in Port au Prince, the rains were so hard that the entire village was a foot thick in mud by the next morning. These people need SHELTER more than anything right now. That is why A Home In Haiti and Athletique d Haiti (athletique@dhaiti.com) have created "Raise the Roof," a campaign to IMMEDIATELY obtain tents and get them out to the hundreds of various displacement camps.

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