Dina Lohan on Lindsay: ‘This Child Has Paid Her Dues’

In part two of Entertainment Tonight's exclusive interview with Lindsay Lohan's mom Dina, our Samantha Harris asks Dina if she thinks Lindsay needs to go through another rehab program.

"Right now my daughter is clean and sober," Dina responds, adding that a couple years ago, "I put her in two rehabs myself… Oh my gosh, it was the first DUI. 2008, I believe. I don't know the exact date. And then she was in Cirque [Lodge Treatment Center]… Over 30 days in both."

"I think being smarter, being in the public eye; she's made a lot of mistakes," Dina adds. "But I also raised [my kids] to be normal. So, going to a club and doing something stupid -- I'm not saying it's normal, but it happens a lot. They [non-celebrities] are just not being photographed."

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